How can I help you?

I am a mirror to you, allowing you to observe yourself "from the outside." With my intuitive insights, I establish a connection to your higher consciousness, enabling me to perceive your life not only from an external standpoint but also from a higher perspective. Moreover, we employ the techniques I have acquired (refer to "About" for more information), which aid in your recognition, understanding, and awareness of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical processes occurring within you.

Why is this awareness good for you?

If you are able to perceive and comprehend the causal relationships, the belief system, and the pattern that give rise to your problem, you will gain the ability to release what no longer benefits you. This will provide you with the opportunity for conscious choice, ultimately leading to your liberation and freedom.

What does a session entail?

I recommend preparing in advance by jotting down the topics and questions you would like to discuss, as they may not arise spontaneously during the session. 

Your active participation is crucial throughout the process. Please expect that I may respond with inquiries, initiating a dialogue. It is not necessarily the immediate answers that will propel you forward, but rather your ability to attune to the guidance of your inner wisdom. 

Occasionally, I may also provide you with 'homework' to engage in or practice until our next session. 

- All sessions are online via Skype or Messenger (the Facebook app).

- An MP3 recording of your session will be sent to you personally by WeTransfer within 24 hrs after your session.

How to book a session:

1.) Please book your time in the calendar here. Sessions are donation based. You pay what you can after the session via PayPal to

2.) Please send me a "hello" message to the selected app (Skype or Messenger)* so that I can see you in my contacts.
My Messenger username:
My Skype username: kvera7

3.) ​Collect and prepare your questions you want to discuss. 

4.) I will ping you 10 minutes before our session and call you at the scheduled time.**

*Note: If you encounter any difficulties in utilizing Skype or Messenger, kindly contact me in advance to receive assistance in configuring the application effectively. Any technical issues arising from failure to initiate a timely greeting (sending a "Hello" message in the app) and set up of your application will take away time from your session. 

**Note: If you fail to send me your contact in advance or do not show up 10 minutes before your scheduled time and not respond to me till the start of the session I will cancel your session. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.


"Vera is an amazing channeler. She brought through The Arcturian Council of Light and I was excited to have a long chat with them. They are very loving and wise beings and gave me a clear picture of my situation and how to deal with it. After the session I felt relieved and happy to have been given a solution to my issues.I highly recommend Vera for a session, it will change your life!"



"I have had several sessions with Vera and I am just in awe of her talent and abilities. She is a very clear channel. The messages and insights I receive are clear and resonate very deeply. There is very specific guidance, knowledge, and direction given about myself and family members that I feel in my gut as, "Yes! Why didn't I think of that?!" I highly recommend her to anyone looking for deeper insights to their life."



'Vera is a gifted communicator who has the ability to hold space in a loving manner. During my session, I felt comfortable to ask my questions without fear or judgment. The insights/messages that Vera shared through her guides and teachers were extremely healing and exactly what I needed. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Vera and those that she channels.'



"Vera is a clear and heart centered channel! She brings thru a high frequency voice for Love and Evolution. Her guides are truly guides! They guide you to find what is missing and needed for you to feel more free and liberated from the blocks in your mind. I highly recommend Vera! As a Channeler and Spiritual Mentor myself she has helped me immensely."



"I highly recommend Vera for her exceptional channeling ability and
life guidance. Her profound insights, empathetic approach, and ability
to translate intuitive information into practical guidance make her a
truly remarkable force. If you're seeking clarity, direction, and a
deeper understanding of your life's path, Vera's sessions are a
powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth."



"The wisdom and guidance I recieved were truly eye-opening. Everything was explained in a clear and loving way. During the session I really had some aha moments. Not only this left me inspired to have a new approach on certain issues I also got some new tools and excercises out of it to keep me growing in my highest excitement. Thank you Vera and BOL for your amazing work!"



"I reached out to Vera for a Channeling Session because I had so many questions that I could not find answers for anywhere else. Vera was able to easily connect to my guides, identify them for me, and help me obtain a greater sense of clarity in many areas of my life. I was so impressed by Vera's intuitive and divinely guided approach. This session with Vera was truly an awakening for me, I received very inspiring messages from my guides, who reminded me of my unlimited power and provided the next steps to live a more fulfilling life. I highly recommend connecting with Vea to anyone who is looking for spiritual guidance and a deep level of healing and awakening. Vera, thank you so much for being a special gift on this planet and for creating this beautiful space for us to heal, expand, awaken, and thrive!" 



"I am very grateful for the messages that came through Vera as I consider it being a life changing perspective shift.I have received a profound guidance that will stay with me forever. Vera and her Spirit team has given me a clear advice on the way I can improve my experience, they answered my questions in simple,loving, and practical ways, leaving me with tools, support, and deep understanding. Vera's skills and kindness of heart are transparent and in service to anyone seeking down to earth answers to their quests. I am forever grateful."


"Vera is very kind and generous. The channeling with her guides gave me plenty of food for thought, interesting insights and illuminated aspects of my life / myself I could pay more attention to".



"The session with Vera has been very insightful and gave me a good idea of what I should be doing next based on my questions. The answers were clear and detailed and allowed for a few follow up questions to focus on a specific topic. Great experience, thanks!" 



"It was great getting a session with you Vera! The council brought me some great insights to my questions. Also, I got some great spiritual practices to bring myself into better alignment spiritually, mentallyand physically!"



"Many thanks to Vera and the BOL team and to my guides for the opportunity. I received comprehensive and easy-to-understand messages and instructions, which will help me in further development, thank you!"



"The session was incredibly insightful, genuine, helpful and truly inspiring. A very powerful experience!"



Please note that the portraits at each testimonial are dummy photos.

You can submit your review or testimonial about your session below:

VERA KOVACS * spiritual mentor
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